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Clik here to view.If we can learn anything from 2011′s comment count, its that:
a) all of your New Year’s resolutions should be to comment more, and
b) the c-section has overtook gchat and turned into a Tom and I’s own message board.
Congrats Thomas as the lucky winner of a Ticketmaster gift card for most comments of 2011. Tom took my challenge to increase conversation to another level. Not only did he give quality feedback about songs he did/didn’t like, he unknowingly called out my mother. Bravo. The full list is below.
Tom: 37 comments Russ: 10 comments Jen: 8 comments. This would be acceptable if you were still blogging… Logan: 6 comments Mother: 4 comments. Isn’t that precious? LJL: 3 comments. Although to be fair, she gets bonus points for giving me her musings in person. Millhouse: 3 comments Jessie D: 2 comments Jared/Gutter boy/Drew/Greenberg/Nicole K/a host of others: 1 comment
This count doesn’t include the comments on Atlanta Music Guide or Facebook shares (which Logan and the ladies of Ann St excel at). Again, thanks to all of you who share this site, talk about it, refer people to it, etc. Special thanks to Justin Miller, Logan, Mother and Mike Schultz for the much appreciated donation in keeping this site afloat (and ad free). Of course, thanks to my wife (crazy, right?) Laura for the patience of hearing songs on repeat and waiting while I scour the internet for new music.
I obviously want to keep up the conversation in 2012. Whether you like, dislike, question or appreciate the posts, I love the comments. What do you want to change about JayeL Audio? More reviews? Less electro? More interviews? Spotify playlists? I’m open to suggestions.
PS – lets hope SOPA doesn’t pass or wave bye bye to JayeL Audio, Hype Machine, Grooveshark, PMA and all that is good on the internet.
Gotye ft. Kimbra – Somebody That I Used To Know (Myndset Remix) [FREE DOWNLOAD read comments] by MYNDSET Total Recall by Flosstradamus Swimming in Solace (DJ Fergie Ferg Remash) by DJ Fergie Ferg